Taki Theodoracopulos - A true last of the Mohicans, who would NOT bend the knee!
Panayiotis “Taki” Theodoracopulos, now 84, is literally the last of the last of that globe-trotting, womanizing, extravagant-spender breed of expat Greek millionaires, who took the international high society by storm, in the 50s and 60s with unique aplomb and unbroken success and survived to tell the story.
Born to a shipping magnate, Panayiotis met little, if any, rough luck in his long life. Educated in top English-speaking schools and universities, and having the backing of the family bank vault, he continues to live a charmed life in New York City. He’s hardly idle though: he publishes his conservative Taki’s Magazine, he’s a regular (and always controversial) columnist of The Spectator since 1977, he’s written three (?) books, and is a close ole friend of the Greek and British royal families.
Not surprisingly, Taki is a staunch conservative who blasts American “wokism,” and all associated deviant movements therein, with unceasing withering fire. He publicly endorsed Greece’s now defunct Golden Dawn neo-Nazi party — that was declared a “criminal gang” and its leadership received long prison sentences.
Taki’s Magazine carries pointed commentary blasting American left-progressivism and all associated politico-social trends. Predictably, few in the ranks of “oppressed minorities,” whether racial or “gender,” appreciate the unceasing cannonade Taki routinely directs at their demands re. the re-writing of American history and the dismissal of the Founding Fathers.
This summer, Taki traveled to the Holy Island of Patmos in the Greek Aegean to be with his kind, as he puts it, and get away from the noxious US culture wars. And as always he found time to pen the following message that I personally enjoyed profoundly!
Go, Taki!
Paradise in Patmos
GREECE—Two hundred years ago last March, the Greeks rose up against the hated Turks, who had occupied most of the mainland for 400 years, and with the help of Britain, France, and Russia drove the infidels back where they came from. The war ended with the London Protocol of 1830, which recognized the creation of the independent nation-state called Greece. Hellas, as we call her, became the first independent nation in the Balkans, and the first to break away from the Ottoman Empire. The Society of Friends, which had been founded in 1814 outside Greece and included members of my family, had established the groundwork for the uprising. The seed of the uprising was the American Revolution, followed by the French one. Greece chose to bind herself with free countries, especially Britain, although Germany became the country where Greek elites went to study.
Two hundred years later, the American progenitors of freedom are now viewed by the elite as criminals, their statues brought down, their names besmirched, their sacrifices ridiculed. The British are not far behind in committing historical seppuku, with Soviet-style denunciations being the core of wokeism. Forgetting for a moment the outright falsehoods peddled nowadays by woke creeps, it’s their moral certitude and absence of self-doubt that are so outrageous. Mind you, here in Patmos among my own kind those creeps and their theories become a bad memory, like a severe case of poison ivy from long ago. Although I haven’t exactly conducted a poll, I do not think there is a single Patmian, local or visiting, who believes the modern conception of freedom means men in drag should be reading to children about the joys of being trans.